• Taxation, Accounting, Planning Areas, Real Estate, Business Valuations, Forensic Accounting & IRS Representation

Business Valuation & Litigation Support

Business Valuation
Business Valuation is an accounting method used to determine the monetary value of a business. A business valuation may be used to determine the value of a business for a variety of reasons including: determining the sale value of a business, establishing the admittance or buyout of an owner, and in divorce proceedings. Business owners should use a Certified Public Account to provide an objective assessment of the business value. Business valuations generally include the review of financial statements, cash flow, historical data, tax returns, pre-adjusted full owner perks, and similar business comparisons.

Divorce and Family Law
Mikel Spraker, CPA takes a proactive and positive role in the case of a divorce or family law circumstances. We gather and compute financial data so each individual knows and understands their economic position. On too many occasions the one party or the other does not understand their entitlement to equitable distribution, payment or receipt of alimony or child support, and their responsibility for potential tax liabilities or entitlement to tax refunds. Our analysis typically aides in a better outcome in asset division, equitable distribution, child support, alimony, and tax liabilities.

The hiring of an exceptionally qualified CPA like Mikel is imperative to understand your rights, obligations and to ensure the best possible outcome for your situation.

Expert Witness
An accounting expert witness is permitted to testify at a trial and may consult in areas like hidden assets and unreported income. They generally provide expert witness testimony on accounting valuation and equitable distribution in divorce, as well as other accounting issues. Mikel Spraker, CPA, a noted expert, combines his skills and experience in accounting, taxation, and auditing to analyze and interpret personal, business and financial data. The results can be used in a court of law, trial, and in mediation as an expert witness. We serve a diverse clientele, from large, privately-held corporations, multi-tiered businesses to private individuals. Mikel is often appointed by the court in fraud work and receivership. 

Forensic Investigations
Certified Public Accountants can perform a comprehensive range of accounting, auditing, tax and consulting activities for clients which may include corporations, partnerships, LLC’s or individuals. Forensic accounting is a tool to identify and develop proof of cash flow. Mikel offers his knowledge and investigative skills to identify criminal financial transactions, money laundering, embezzlement and hidden assets. We work closely with law enforcement personnel, attorneys, and business owner during investigations and can appear as expert witnesses during trials.

Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Mikel Spraker is a credentialed professional and skilled in assisting with such situations as litigation, bankruptcy, and insolvency. Mikel with his bankruptcy and insolvency staff are able to provide complex financial forensic assistance to meet each client’s needs.